
  1. 一定要让别人知道你要去哪里,什么时候回来.
  2. 在它还亮的时候显示属性.
  3. 不要用你的车载客户. 相反,让他们在你住的地方和你见面.
  4. 在你进入目的地之前,花点时间环顾四周.
  5. Preprogram important numbers into your cell phone, such as your office, roadside assistance, and 911.
  6. 提前计划好逃生路线.
  7. 学习自卫技巧.
  8. 通过限制房子里的人数来控制你的开放日交通.
  9. When talking to clients and prospects, keep your personal information private.
  10. 选择逃跑而不是战斗.


访问其他提示, 可打印的pdf文档, 社交媒体图表, 视频, 和NAR提供的其他安全资源: nar.2021十大正规彩票app经纪人/安全

查看德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®杂志的其他文章: baligou.org/safety

作为一名2021十大正规彩票app专业人士,你的工作可能会让你处于危险的境地. Being aware of potential threats and taking the necessary precautions will help you make it home safely.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® magazine asked members to share a time in their real estate career when they felt their safety was threatened and how they dealt with it.


有些不对劲? 相信自己的直觉

如果出了差错,你有应急计划吗? 马里昂搁浅船受浪摇摆, 是Smart Group的代理, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, 圣安东尼奥, 去一处空置的房子,为一个投资者拍摄一系列视频. 她注意到门是半开着的,但锁箱没有. 进屋后,她看到地板上有大洞. Since the home had a pier and beam foundation, someone could easily crawl through. 萨格斯回到她的车里,立即联系了销售代理. 过了一会儿,她看见有人从后门跑了出来.

Suggs has learned to be extremely cautious when showing distressed or vacant properties. She will leave and contact the selling agent if the door isn’t secure when she arrives. 她说:“确保你总是有一个计划,如果有什么事情发生,你可以离开。. “就像我告诉我的孩子们的那样,永远要为‘万一’做好准备.’”

斯泰西Stidham, 凯勒·威廉姆斯东北地产公司的买家经纪人, 休斯顿, 把一位投资客户带到一处空置的房子. 在参观的过程中, 他们注意到客厅地板中央有一双男鞋, 空厨房里的空气炸锅, 露台上还有八瓶未开封的啤酒. 他们很快就离开了.

之后, she left a message for the listing agent to let him know there was possibly a squatter and that the back door was unlocked. While she never heard back from the agent, the home was withdrawn a few days later.

在另一个例子中, Stidham viewed a listing that had a broken garage door that made it possible for anyone to walk right into the home. “I will no longer show vacant homes that I can’t see in the windows or that have easy access inside,她说。.

此后,她安装了Life360跟踪应用程序, letting her send a silent alert if she is in danger and allowing her husband to locate her during a showing.


根据NAR 2022成员安全居住报告:

  • 34% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® have met a new or prospective client alone at a secluded location or property.
  • 42%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®单独举办了开放日活动.
  • 43% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® have shown vacant properties in areas with poor or no phone coverage in the past 12 months.
  • 40%的住宅2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®参加了自卫课程.
  • 43%的男性和54%的女性携带自卫武器或工具.
  • 64% of residential members use a smartphone safety app to track whereabouts and alert colleagues in case of an emergency.
  • 67% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® said that their offices have safety procedures in place.
  • 73% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® have personal safety protocols that they follow with every client.
  • 75% of residential 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® feel more prepared for unknown situations after taking a REALTOR® Safety course.

面临危险? 保持冷静,保护自己

如果你遇到非法侵入者,你会怎么做? 当瓦菲克·阿拉维, 奥斯汀2021十大正规彩票app公司的经纪人, 注意到他那间空房子的门坏了, 他推了推门,看看是不是开着, 结果却有人从内部反击. 阿拉维立即离开门口,拨打了911.

当闯入者冲向他时,阿拉维尽力保持冷静. “在和警察通电话的时候, 我别无选择,只能拔出武器,坚守阵地,他说. The int粗鲁的r immediately backed off at the sight of the weapon and Alalawi’s verbal warnings to stop and not come any closer. 警察很快赶到,在附近逮捕了闯入者.

Drawing from his license-to-carry class, Alalawi warns others that you shouldn’t try and be a hero. “枪是保护自己的最后手段,”他说. “事后看来, 如果再发生这种事, 对我来说,最好的办法就是先逃到安全的地方, 就像我的车, 在报警前把门锁上.”

实践“人多安全”的格言, 琳达Botello, 地平线2021十大正规彩票app公司的经纪人, 奥斯丁, brought a friend to her open house and introduced herself to the neighbors on each side and across the street. 当她在开放参观日之后找到标牌的时候, 一位像估价师一样的绅士从后面拉了过来.

“He started asking directions and questions about square footage that did not add up,” Botello says. “I displayed the knife I used to remove the balloons and went along with his story.”

She feels lucky that he didn’t try to attack them and that everything turned out fine.

Botello reminds other agents to ask the neighbors to check on them during an open house and never to do an open house alone. “即使你有武器,它也可以被夺走.” Instead, she believes it’s helpful to have an alert app on your phone to call for help. She also adds that she will never stay in the house when a man walks in alone. “I tell him I’ll be right back, then sit in my car and take a picture of his license plate.”

It’s always a good idea to ensure your cellphone will be in range and is fully charged. 然而, 有时服务不稳定, 或者辛迪·比尔曼的案例, 银钥匙2021十大正规彩票app公司的经纪人, 小道消息, 那时还没有手机. She was beginning to lock up after an open house when she noticed two men approaching the house. “They both wore long black coats and black fedoras that shielded their eyes,她说。.

因为她是一个人,没有电话, 她跑到车库,拿了一罐她之前看到的黄蜂喷雾. 男人们走进来的时候,她站在天井门外.

“I politely told them to look around and let me know if they had any questions.” She watched the men go through the house like they were looking for something.

而她却能迅速反应, 比尔曼说,她现在邀请了另一位经纪人, 信贷员, 有时她的丈夫坐在她身边. Another technique she uses to avoid getting caught alone is to never follow someone upstairs. 如果那个人说他们必须给她看些东西, 她会告诉他们,由于受伤,她不能爬楼梯.